Before you were conceived - I wanted you
Before you were born - I loved you
Before you were here an hour - I would die for you
This is the miracle of Life
- Maureen Hawkins

Prenatal Yoga & Prenatal Inspirational readings
Baker, J. - Prenatal yoga & natural birth
Calais-Germain, B. and Pares, N.V - Preparing for a gentle birth
Chamberlain, D. - The mind of your newborn baby
Lasater, J - Yoga for pregnancy
Lim, R. - Placenta - the forgotten chakra
Nilsson, L. and Hamberger, L. - A child is born
O´Mara, P. - Having a baby, naturally
Birth - Inspirational readings
Balaskas, J. - New Active Birth
Bardacke, N. - Mindful birthing
Dick-Read, G. - Childbirth without fear
England, P. and Horowitz,R. - Birthing from within
Gaskin, I. - Ina May's guide to natural childbirth.
Gaskin, I. - Spiritual midwifery
Gaskin, I. - Spiritual midwifery
Harman,T. , Wakeford, A. - The microbiome effect
Odent, M. - Birth reborn
Odent, M. - Do we need midwives?
Odent, M. - The functions of orgasms
Odent, M. - Do we need midwives?
Odent, M. - The functions of orgasms
Simkin, P., Hanson, L. and Ancheta, R. - The labor progress handbook
Leboyer, F. - The art of giving birth
Postnatal Yoga / Mothering
Bauer, I. - Diaper free! The gentle wisdom of natural infant hygiene
Blomberg, H. - The rhythmic movement method
Garabedian, H. - Itsy bitsy yoga
Gaskin, I. - Ina May´s guide to breastfeeding
Leboyer, F. - Loving hands
Liedloff, J. - The continuum concept
O´Mara, P. - Natural family living
Staton, L. and Perron, S. - Baby Om
Yoga / Buddhhism / Meditation
Devi, N.J. - The secret power of yoga
Hawkins, D.R. - Letting go - The pathway of surrender
Kabat-Zinn, J. - Full catastrophe living
Nhất Hạnh, T - The heart of the Buddha's teaching